Typische training dag
  • Activation/Mobility/Warm Up
( around 5 to 10 minutes)
  • Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat.
E90” ( 6 sets) 1 SB + 2 OHS
( Increase load each round)
  • E2’ for 16 minutes
  • Slow Snatch Pull + Snatch
( 3 second pull from the floor)
  • Back Squat
Set 1 - 5 Reps @65%
Set 2 - 3 Reps @75%
Set 3 - 1 Rep @85%
Set 4 - 8 Reps @75%
Set 5 - 8 Reps @75%
Set 6 - 8 Reps @75%
( rest 2 or 3 minutes between Sets)
  • EMOM - BBJO + DB Snatch + Assault Bike.
Every minute on the minute. For 21 minutes.
Minute 1 - 8 x Burpee Box Jump Over
Minute 2 - 8 x DB Snatches ( 22.5 kgs)
Minute 3 - 13 Cal A/B
  • Additional Optional Strength Accessory Session.
Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes ( 3 sets) of:
Station One: Landmine Press ( right) x 8 @ 2111
Station Two: Landmine Press ( left) x 8 @ 2111
Station Three: Supinated Grip - bent over Barbell Row x 8 @ 2111
Station Four : L sit hold 30 seconds
3 Sets of:
Dumbbell Bench Press x 8 reps @ 3011
Rest 60 seconds
Dumbbell Death March x 16 reps @3011
Rest 69 seconds
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